Take advantage of an exclusive
auto and home insurance program developed to meet your needs.
We are a century-old organization with one objective – to be the trusted auto and home insurance provider for the men and women who strengthen and enhance the quality of life in communities across America: Educators, Higher Ed Employees, Nurses and Public Safety Professionals.
We are dedicated to protecting you and providing the savings, value, benefits and coverage you deserve.
You don't have to wait to switch
You're entitled to a refund
We offer more than auto & home
Even if you just renewed your current insurance policy, you can switch at any time!
We can help you get a full refund of any unused premiums from your current insurance company!
Policyholders are also entitled to exceptional rates on a variety of other coverages and protection!
What Our Customers Have To Say
Take advantage of an exclusive auto and home insurance program developed to meet your needs.
We are a century-old
organization with one objective –
to be the trusted auto and home insurance provider for the men and women who strengthen and enhance
the quality of life in communities
across America: Educators, Higher
Ed Employees, Nurses and Public
Safety Professionals.
We are dedicated to protecting you
and providing the savings, value, benefits and coverage you deserve.
California Casualty
remains the preferred and trusted
auto & home insurance provider for member and employee groups across the country. We protect the men and women who strengthen and enhance the quality of life in communities across America: Educators, Higher
Ed Employees, Nurses and Public
Safety Professionals.
We are dedicated to providing the savings, value, benefits and coverage you deserve.
Take advantage of an exclusive auto and home insurance program developed to meet your needs.
California Casualty remains the preferred and trusted auto & home insurance provider for member and employee groups across the country. We protect the men and women who strengthen and enhance the quality of life in communities across America: Educators, Higher Ed Employees, Nurses and Public Safety Professionals.
Or start your quote by calling: 1-866-680-5142
We are dedicated to providing the savings, value, benefits
and coverage you deserve.
©2024 California Casualty. California Casualty’s Auto & Home Insurance Program is available to qualified customers in: AZ, CA, CO, ID, KS, OR and WY. Coverage, rates, discounts, benefits and availability may vary by state or area and are subject to underwriting approval. Call for details. Privacy Policy. CA Lic #0041343